What is the shape of a tombstone called?

Tombstones, also known as grave markers or headstones, serve as a permanent memorial to a loved one who has passed away. They often contain inscriptions of the name, birth and death dates, and sometimes other details about the person’s life. Tombstones come in various shapes and sizes, each representing a different style and meaning. One commonly asked question is, “What is the shape of a tombstone called?”

The answer is not as simple as one might think. Tombstones come in various shapes, including flat, upright, slant, bevel, and pillow. Each shape serves a different purpose and provides a different aesthetic appeal.

The flat tombstone, also known as a ledger marker, is a rectangular-shaped stone that lies flat on the ground. This type of tombstone is usually used to mark the graves of multiple family members and is the most common type of tombstone found in cemeteries. Flat tombstones are also used for military graves and are usually made of bronze or granite.

The upright tombstone, also known as a vertical or standing monument, is a tall, vertical stone that is placed on a base or pedestal. This type of tombstone is the most traditional and recognizable type of grave marker. The upright tombstone allows for a lot of personalization, with many different shapes, colors, and materials available. They are often used for single grave sites and can include a variety of inscriptions, designs, and even photographs.

The slant tombstone, also known as a slant marker or pillow marker, is a sloping tombstone that sits above the ground at an angle. This type of tombstone is usually made of granite and is often used for marking the graves of multiple family members. They are smaller than upright tombstones and are often placed near the front of a grave plot.

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slant headstone

The bevel tombstone, also known as a hickey or a pillow marker, is similar to the slant tombstone but with a slight bevel at the top. This type of tombstone is often used for marking individual graves and is popular in cemeteries that have regulations on the size of upright tombstones.

The pillow tombstone, also known as a footstone or a marker, is a small rectangular stone that is placed at the foot of the grave. This type of tombstone is usually used in addition to a larger headstone and is often inscribed with the person’s initials, name, and birth and death dates.

Flat Headstone

In addition to these common shapes, there are also a variety of specialty tombstones that are designed to reflect a person’s interests, occupation, or hobbies. These may include shapes such as musical notes, books, sports equipment, or religious symbols.

When selecting a tombstone shape, it is also important to consider the durability and longevity of the material used. Granite is a popular choice for tombstones as it is durable, easy to maintain, and can withstand extreme weather conditions. Bronze is also a popular material for military graves, as it is long-lasting and can be easily cleaned and maintained.

In conclusion, the shape of a tombstone is not a single term but rather encompasses a range of styles that each serves a different purpose. The most common shapes include the flat, upright, slant, bevel, and pillow tombstones, with specialty shapes available for those who want to add a personalized touch to their memorial. Choosing the right shape and material for a tombstone is a personal decision that should reflect the life and personality

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