G603 Granite

The application of G603 granite tombstones in cemeteries

G603 granite is a popular choice for tombstones in cemeteries due to its durability, resistance to weathering, and aesthetic appeal. This type of granite is widely used in many countries for monuments and memorials, as it offers a timeless and elegant look that is suitable for honoring the memory of the deceased. Granite is one […]

How do I start a tombstone business?

Starting a tombstone business can be a rewarding and profitable venture, but it also requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some steps to help you get started: 1. Research the market and your competition. Before starting any business, it’s important to understand the industry and the competition. In the case of a […]

About Tombstone Wholesale

A headstone, also known as a grave marker or tombstone, is a stone slab that is used to mark the location of a grave. Headstones are often inscribed with the deceased’s name, date of birth and date of death, and may also include a personal message or epitaph. In the past, headstones were made from […]